2020-09-29 09:48:01 事业单位考试网 https://www.huatu.com/ 文章来源:未知
【导读】华图事业单位考试网同步未知发布:教师资格证面试:英语试讲稿(5),详细信息请阅读下文!如有疑问请加【青海考试交流群汇总】 ,青海人事考试网更多资讯请关注青海华图微信公众号(htqh0258)获得第一消息,培训咨询电话:17797258271 65299953,微信号:17797258271
Firstly, I will play the recording to you, during which you will listen carefully to the recording and list the time-line of the development of the English and the new words. Is that clear? Ok, let’s begin. Time’s up. That’s all for the record. Who can share your time-line of the English development for us? Yes, Serena please. Are you sure? I will give you one more minute to think again. Ok, can you give me you second thought please? That’s right. There’s just one little mistake but that is ok. Next, did you find any new words in this passage? Yes, we have new words here: subway, elevator, petrol, gas, official, voyage, conquer, native. You can have a look at the English translation of these new words that I have given to you. I hope that it can help you to understand. Can you read the passage for the second time and fill the blank on page 11? OK, I will give you another 8 minutes to finish this? Well. Let’s stop reading? Anyone who want to give us your answer? Yes, John please come to the stage and write down your answer on the blackboard. Good job. But I think there is one mistake here, so anyone is going to help him? Ok, Jim please. Yes, that’s perfect then. How about you reading the passage carefully and answer my three questions? I hope that you can retell them in your own words. The three questions are as follows: what’s the development of English history; can you tell the differences between the ancient English and the modern English; can you tell the differences between the British English and the American English? Got it? OK, let’s try to read it again. Well, any volunteer wants to answer my first question? Yes, Lilei. Very good, excellent spoken English. How about the second question? Elizabeth please. Wow, fantastic. You have done great job. Then comes the last one. The girl beside you please. Well, also terrific.
There are some exercises on page 11, can you finish that with your partner? Good!We got several important sentences here, for example: English is a language spoken all around the world; There are more than 42 countries where the majority of the people speak English.
Ok, guys. We have learned so much today? Who can help me to summarize what we have learned today? Yes, Lucy please. You are right! We have learned many new words and sentences. English is spoken all around the world, but do you know the reason for this?
After the class, will you think about this question? Key words and sentences are helpful for you so can you try to remember them? A short story of your own English learning is required before next lesson. Then let’s call it a day.